Florence, 4-5 July 2013
Florence,at the location of the FEF, via Montebello 7, 4-5 July 2013
VI Meeting of Medieval Mariology «Clelia Piastra»

Imitatio Mariae. Strategies in constructing Mary's image in Medieval tradition.

The Medieval image of Virgin Mary, to whom is often dedicated the cathedral church in the late-Ancient and Medieval city, has important functions of a teological-spiritual, social and political-institutional kind. This multi-functional role stems from Mary's privilege to stay at the top of Christian perfection along with her Son. Beside of the excellence of the hagiographic model represented by her, also her ability in mediating and interceding depends upon this position. The goal of the meeting is to make clear some aspects of the construction of such an image on the basis of the historiography, of the apocryphal tradition, of the hagiographical, mystical and liturgical literature, as well as of the historical and artistical production.

Talks by Anna Benvenuti, Marielle Lamy, Sylvie Manuel Barnay, Emore Paoli, Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli, Stefano Defraia, Alessandra Foscati, Mario Sensi, Beatrice Cirulli.